Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cabinet Door Cleaning (Melanie)

You know that black stuff on your cabinet doors? It gets on the corners where you touch it to open it. When you go to clean it, it's all sticky and you're just rubbing it around. My Father-in-law swears by Dawn soap. It's got that anti-grease stuff in it. (They used it to clean up that giant oil spill off of the coast of Alaska, to save the animals) So, after thinking about it a bit, I decided to try Dawn + a washcloth to get the black stuff off of the cabinet doors.

I just got the washcloth wet, rung it out, put some Dawn on it (not too much) and rubbed it in, and then voila, instant cleaning agent!

This hardly takes any elbow grease. You have to put a little bit of pressure on it as you scrub, but it only takes 2-3 swipes over one spot to see a huge difference. On the really tough spots, I would rub the washcloth over it, and let the Dawn and water sit for just a minute and then scrub. The stuff came off almost instantly!

My four-year-old nephew, Troy, wanted to help me clean, so I told him to scrub on a part of it, and the stuff started coming off. Ladies and gentleman, you can do it! :)

This, my friends, is why I love cleaning!

On a side-note, my Father-in-law found two fruit roll-ups in one package!

Have a wonderful day!

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